We have taken all security measures to make you feel comfortable and protected during your stay. Therefore, we need you to read the following information carefully. We are always at your disposal to clarify any doubt or question.
Note: The maintenance, cleaning, disinfection and customer service of this local accommodation unit, consisting of living room and two bedrooms, is the responsibility of the owner. The cleaning and disinfection of the unit is done before check-in.Daily cleaning is the responsibility of the clients.In the event that a case arises which requires isolation during the stay and which continues after the check out date, this can only be extended (with the associated cost charged to the guest), if there is availability.
The following information is available to all customers:
Signage and Information
This protocol is available online, with the link showing on the unit, and has also been shared by email before check-in;
Informative posters posted on the facilities with details of how to comply with basic infection prevention and control precautions in relation to the outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus.
Hygienization plan
According to the attachment;
Supplementary Support Document
Document sent before check-in with useful information about accommodation, the city of Lisbon in times of pandemic and other relevant information;
Owners and employees have received specific information and training on:
Internal protocol on the outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19;
How to comply with basic infection prevention and control precautions in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak, including the following procedures:
Hand sanitizing: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol, covering all surfaces of the hands and rubbing them until dry;
Respiratory Etiquette: Cough or sneeze into the flexed forearm or use a tissue, which should then be immediately thrown away; always sanitize your hands after coughing or sneezing and after blowing; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands;
Social conduct: Change the frequency and the form of contact between workers and between this and customers, avoiding (when possible) close contact, handshakes, kisses, shared workplaces, face-to-face meetings and sharing food, utensils, cups and towels.
How to perform daily self-monitoring for fever assessment, cough check or difficulty breathing
How to comply with the guidelines of the National Health Service for surface cleaning and laundry treatment in establishments.
The employees:
All employees have been trained and should monitor themselves daily for the following symptoms: fever, cough or difficulty breathing.
Behaviors to be adopted by all employees:
Keep distance between employees and customers and avoid physical contact, including handshaking
Use a mask whenever you are in direct contact with guests
Excessive use of personal adornment (bracelets, wires, rings, etc.) is not recommended
Know the products to be used (detergents and disinfectants), the precautions to be taken when handling, diluting and applying them safely, how to protect themselves during the cleaning procedures and how to ensure good ventilation of the spaces during cleaning and disinfection.
The customers:
At check in, all guests should present themselves with their personal protective mask. If this does not happen, it is available for purchase in sufficient number to the capacity of the accommodation.
At the entrance of the property, a disinfectant gel dispenser will be available for guests, as well as liquid soap dispensers in the bathroom and kitchen;
The use of all common spaces in the building requires appropriate rules of conduct, including the use of a mask when circulating in the common space of the building;
Compliance with the house rules made available online, whose address is posted on the facilities.
Selected space for isolation
As this space is unique to each group/family, it is in itself the defined space for isolation in case of a suspicious case. It is however recommended that the suspect is isolated from the rest of the group in the accommodation bathroom. A kit is placed in this room to be used only in this situation and contains: cleaning materials, surgical masks and disposable gloves, thermometer, self-contained waste container, waste bags, used laundry bags, kit with water and some non-perishable food;
Hygiene equipment
Personal protective equipment available for customers at a cost of 2,00€ containing 1 surgical mask, 1 pair of gloves, 1 disinfectant wipe;
Dispenser of alcohol-based antiseptic solution or alcohol-based solution.
Waste container with non-manual opening and plastic bags (5 pcs.)
Liquid soap and paper towels are available in the sanitary facilities and kitchen;
Cleaning and disinfecting the unit before each check-in;
Wet cleaning will be preferred to dry cleaning and the use of vacuum cleaner for washing and disinfecting the unit,
The cleaning of all surfaces with bleach and/or alcohol based products will be especially intensified, paying special attention to areas of frequent touch such as handles, knobs, TV controls, keys, light switches, ensuring the control and prevention of infections and antimicrobial resistance;
All bed cushions have a waterproof cover which is changed at each reservation as well as the mattress cover;
High temperature washing of bed linen and towels, including pillows and linings and mattress lining (about 60 °C) in certified laundry;
After the check out all windows are opened for air circulation.
Curtains, sofas, armchairs, carpets are disinfected with a specific product that cleans, sanitizes and disinfects, and dries quickly. At the end of their stay, guests may be asked to put their used bed linen and towels in a bag provided for this purpose.
The removal of bed linen and towels should be done without shaking it or shaking it, rolling it outside in, without touching the body, being placed in closed plastic bags to be transported to the laundry.
All employees have Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with their functions;
The owners are responsible for:
Activate procedures in case of suspected infection (accompany the person with symptoms to the isolation space, provide the necessary assistance and contact the national health service)
When applicable, the owners will provide all the support and follow-up to any family members/accompanies of the client suspected or confirmed of infection by COVID-19;
Decontamination of the isolation area whenever there are positive cases of infection and reinforcement of cleaning and disinfection whenever there are patients suspected of infection, especially on the surfaces frequently handled and most used by it, as indicated by the National Health Service;
Storage of the waste produced by patients suspected of infection in a plastic bag which, after being closed, must be segregated and sent to the licensed operator (SUCH – Hospital Common Use Service) for the management of hospital waste with biological risk
- The guest should contact the responsible employee indicated below;
- The guest should immediately contact the Health Line 24, through the telephone 808242424;
Responsible for triggering the procedures in case of suspected infection is:
- Maria Luís Antunes
- Contact number: +351 91706 64 75
- E-mail: